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Quality Policy of the Central Bank of Iraq

The Central Bank of Iraq is responsible for managing currency through various processes, including issuing, counting, sorting, replacing damaged currency, storing, forecasting future needs, and providing necessary protection. This is achieved by implementing security features that are difficult to counterfeit or forge, in line with the international standard (ISO 9001:2015) and relevant legal and regulatory requirements, while maintaining continuous improvement of the currency management system to meet customer requirements.

The policy includes:

  1. Providing Studies and Proposals:

    • Conducting studies related to currency structuring and proposing adjustments to the denominations as needed.
  2. Protecting the Vaults:

    • Ensuring the security of vaults against all risks through integrated monitoring systems and fire suppression systems.
  3. Promoting Currency Preservation Culture:

    • Raising awareness about the importance of preserving circulating currency and reducing the use of primitive storage methods that expose it to risks.
  4. Utilizing the Best Technologies:

    • Implementing the best technologies in counting, sorting, and destroying damaged currency to ensure efficiency and quality.

Quality Policy of Ashur International Bank for Investment

Quality Policy of Ashur International Bank for Investment