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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, since Ashur Bank's debit card is linked to the global MasterCard network, the card is e 

quipped with a magnetic chip that can be read at any bank anywhere in the world. 

Yes, Ashur Bank offers a range of commercial and credit services for companies, based on global standards, regulations, and criteria. The bank relies on a qualified and specialized team capable of providing a high level of relationship management with the customer. 

Yes, Ashur Bank offers loan products for individuals, including personal loans and auto loans, with competitive interest rates and terms that suit all segments of society. 

Yes, provided they have their passport from their home country and a valid residency card issued by their place of residence in Iraq if they are residing in the country. 

Yes, these services are available with competitive and well-considered interest rates, enabling the customer to achieve the highest possible return on their funds. 

Any Iraqi citizen holding Iraqi nationality can open an account with Ashur International Bank for Investment, provided they present the valid identification documents recognized in Iraq and accepted under the account opening conditions set by the Central Bank of Iraq. 

Ashur International Bank for Investment currently has eleven branches spread across Iraqi provinces. New branches will be opened in the near future as part of the bank's ongoing expansion plans. 

Yes, Ashur International Bank has contracted with the International Smart Card Company (Qi Card) in an effort to expand its service offerings and provide them to a larger segment of customers. 

Yes, by providing the Ashur Bank MasterCard debit card, which allows withdrawals from any of Ashur Bank's ATMs across Iraq or from any other bank's ATMs inside or outside Iraq.